AMEXCI launches holistic online-learning concept for Additive Manufacturing
AMEXCI develops a holistic online-learning concept centered around Additive Manufacturing including webinars, online-workshops and an experience kit for designers and managers.
– The concept has been piloted with SKF and we have reached over 200 employees in more than 10 countries, says Benjamin Haller, Head of Innovation at AMEXCI.
Education is amongst the areas that have been affected the most by the Covid-19 pandemic. Especially the limited possibility to travel and meet in person forces every company and organization to re-thhink the way that their employees are being educated. As with any other crisis, however, there are also new opportunities coming up: employees are spending more and more time working from home which gives them more time to focus on developing new skills.
– Since we at AMEXCI believe that educating employees in different fields of Additive Manufacturing is one of the most important things when it comes to its adoption, we quickly decided to adapt the way that we educate our customers, says Benjamin Haller, Head of Innovation at AMEXCI.
Advanced learning and application-specific development projects from home
Considering that AMEXCI’s educational programs for managers, designers and other engineers are centered around interactive workshops and hands-on work on machines and applications, this was not a straight-forward task. The concept that has been developed thus consist of a mixture of webinars targeting a wide audience, online-workshops with smaller teams to work on more advanced topics, and application-specific development projects focusing on concrete projects.
– Depending on the projects, the development and printing of selected applications at AMEXCI’s lab in Karlskoga is included. Whenever possible, these projects can also be combined with in-person workshops and meetings at AMEXCI or at customer-site, Haller says.

One examples for how such and online-learning concept can look like shows the collaboration with SKF, one of AMEXCI’s eleven shareholding companies. In close collaboration a series of webinars was developed, including topics such as: introduction to technologies for Additive Manufacturing, AM activities within AMEXCI and SKF, and part screening and selection.
– To give the participants a more hand-on feeling for the different processes, AMEXCI developed an Additive Manufacturing experience kit, including a technology booklet, posters and sample parts of different metal and polymer technologies. With this approach over 200 employees in four different continents could be reached at their homes and over 40 experience kits where shipped to ten countries, says Haller.
You can find out more about AMEXCI’s partnership with SKF in the following video:
To find out more about our courses and AM experience kit, please visit:
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