As we enter a new year, three important acquisitions have taken place in the AM market during the month of January. We at AMEXCI see this as a continuous consolidation of the Additive Manufacturing market, where different companies unite their forces to achieve better results and expand their offerings. 

Firstly, Protolabs, a US based company, that acquired the Netherland based 3D Hubs for the total sum of 280 million US $. The merge will allow Protolabs to offer AM digital services of custom parts to their customers, who will have on-demand access to approximately 240 premium manufacturing partners. If you would like to read more about this acquisition, please check out their press release here.

Secondly, another merger took place between two US companies, namely Desktop Metal, who acquired EnvisionTEC for 300 million US $. Through this fusion, Desktop Metal will now bring DLP printing technology into their offerings from EnvisionTEC, expressing its vitality for their Additive 2.0 project’s success. We at AMEXCI are looking forward to seeing what this will mean for the future of Additive Manufacturing and the creation of parts around the world. Click here if you would like to read more on this topic.

Lastly, Zare acquired Proxera, both companies Italian based. This merge will allow Zare to expand on the 3D medical implant market, where their aim will be to have a positive impact on the society and people’s lives – improving the way patients are treated, together with their quality of life. If you would like to read more in-depth information on this topic, please check out the following link.