Researching Nano particle risks of metal AM
AMEXCI and Absolent participates in the Nanosafety project – an Environmental Health & Safety project that investigates and characterize nanoparticles and possible health risks in 3D printing environments. The ultimate goal is to ensure the safe working conditions for AM operators and professionals.
The Nanosafety project aims to detect and characterize nanoparticles in 3D printing environments and further the work in determining the exposure risks and effects among AM operators and professionals. The project has been granted 4 million SEK funding from the KK-foundation and is lead by researchers from the Örebro Region, in collaboration with air filter experts Absolent and Additive Manufacturing R&D company AMEXCI. Kim Färnlund, Metallurgist and Health and Safety representative at AMEXCI, says it is an obvious choice for AMEXCI to participate in the project and to contribute to this currently relatively sparsely explored field of research.
–As the development of powder bed technologies proceeds within the industry, it is more crucial than ever that we form an understanding of the possible impact from 3D printing, on the people working with the technology,and the environment. Our goal is to set a standard and maintain a safe work environment for industry workers within the field of additive manufacturing, says Kim Färnlund.
Investigations at AMEXCI
Last week, researchers from the Örebro region visited AMEXCI to conduct activities such as blood and urine samples from AMEXCI personnel, install static particle measuring equipment in the office and AM production, and equip AM operators with portable particle measuring devices. The sources and activities that cause increased risk for exposure to powder materials will help formulate a baseline of understanding of hazards in these particular working environments, how to avoid risks, and ultimately help establish safer work environments in the AM community. E.g., what kind of safety equipment or other measures should become standardized for different AM activities in the future.
For more information about the project, please contact:
Kim Färnlund
+46 72 506 81 00