Management Systems at AMEXCI
In 2018 AMEXCI was certified according to the management system standards of ISO 9001:15 and ISO 14001:15. At the latest audit AMEXCI yet again received acknowledgement for their work on internal processes. “It’s our highest priority that the AMEXCI organization holds considerable knowledge and awareness about the environmental impact of the company as well as produce and deliver qualified services and products”, says Edvin Resebo, CEO AMEXCI.
AMEXCI has developed a management system for improving and controlling the overall performance. Quality at all stages of the organization and the environmental aspect of the business have been in focus. The latest ISO audit indicates that AMEXCI’s offer towards the customers are in line with aquired qualifications and that the services thus maintain high quality.
“AMEXCI always strives to work in line with valid standards and aim towards delivering high quality services that meet our shareholders demands, at all stages in the process chain”, says Edvin Resebo, AMEXCI CEO.
ISO14001 and ISO9001 in brief
ISO is a strandards organization that works at international level. The aim of the ISO14001 standards is to map out and reduce the company’s environmental impact, and to ensure that there is an efficient management system in place that also include the business’s environmental activities. ISO9001 refers to quality and includes a management system to control and maintain qualified services and products.